In what seems like forever, our excavation work for this phase will be coming to an end. With this, we are happy to announce the new hours of operation, effective Memorial Day weekend 2021. We understand that closing at 7 PM may sound early, especially during the summer months when daylight is much longer, but we are implementing these hours so as to accommodate a few of our neighbors who have to be in bed early to be able to get up early for work. Please be sure to cease firing before 7PM. We also ask that you limit your arrival to the range to 30 minutes prior to opening and leave no later than 30 minutes after closing. Please sign out in the log book after your completion. Anyone determined to be discharging any weapon after 7 will be subject to immediate termination.
Once again, we thank you for being patient during this process of getting our new range up and ready. As always, we could use help with smalls tasks that still need to be accomplished. Touch base with Brian Cap or Bill Tiell if you can offer any assistance.
Also, we are in need of anyone who may be able to assist in running a youth clinic on properly shooting a .22 caliber rifle. Please touch base with Chuck Ricco if you can assist in this matter.
See you at the range!